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Sometimes I get to do fun things, like go to events (live or virtually), or travel around, or write and talk about books. And sometimes I make videos about creativity. If any of those things happen, here's where you'll hear about it!

It's Time to Write (I've started a podcast!!!!)
my friend Amy Kelly and I have started a podcast where Amy and I dive into all things in the writing life. From time management and...

Can You Change Your Limiting Beliefs?
In my on-going series about the Creative Questions I Have Asked Myself, I posted a video about how to change the limiting beliefs about...

Who is Your Main Character? Another Important Question for Writing a Novel
Figuring out who your book is about is a really important part of writing a novel. In this video, I'll talk about what I've learned about...

"Dark, Bloody, and Fun," LIFESTYLES OF GODS & MONSTERS featured in Book Riot YA
For those of you who don't know, Book Riot has a YA newsletter that is a great read if you are interested in YA books. And this week,...

Where do Writers Find Their Ideas?
a video about writers and their ideas.

How to Start a Novel
Have you always wanted to write a novel, but you don't know where to start? Then this video is for you! How to Start a Novel!

Art Saved You - My letter to my teenaged self
I had the chance to write a blog post for StoryTimeTeen about what I would tell my teenaged self, and the letter I wrote to her was about...

South Arkansas Literary Festival Appearance
I got to participate in the South Arkansas Literary Festival - so fun to talk about my book and writing and my home state. About our...

Do You Struggle With Jealousy and FOMO? Me too!
I have such a hard time with feeling like I'm missing out on all the fun things that other writers are doing, and so I made a video about...

What Does a Creative Person Wear?
Another creative question - this one about clothes. What does a creative person wear? And how to develop a personal style.

What if I'm Too Scared to Live a Creative Life?
Have you asked yourself this question? Here's my video all about the best way to manage that situation.

Should I Quit on My Dreams?
Have you been wondering if it's time to quit on your creative dreams? Here is my video talking about when I asked myself the same question.

How to Make Friends Who Support Your Creative Life?
Next up in the Series of Creative Questions I Have Asked Myself is How to Make Creative Friends?

What Does a Creative Person Look Like?
I'm doing a series of videos answering the creative questions that I have asked myself. First up is - What Does a Creative Person Look Like?

How to review a book on Amazon (desktop)
Are you wondering how to help authors you love right now? I have a great way - leaving ratings or reviews of their books on! ...

How to review a book on Amazon (mobile)
Did you know that leaving a rating or review is one of the most valuable things that you can do to support a book you love? It is....

Exclusive Book Trailer!
book trailer reveal!

My post on Writer, Writer Pants on Fire
Me talking about what it was like to sell LIFESTYLES OF GODS AND MONSTERS

I'm going on a Book Tour!
I'm excited to announce that I'll be going on tour for Lifestyles of Gods and Monsters!

Retelling and remixing and reimagining on Tumblr
I've collected a bunch of different ancient images of my characters and the maze, and I've started a Tumblr with them, if you'd like to...

A cover!
I have a cover! The jacket design is by the amazing Elizabeth H. Clark and the jacket illustration is by Mariano Steiner. I absolutely...

Why does YA love retellings?
Is this something you've been thinking about? Check out my post on YA Interrobang to find out more about why I think retellings are so
I'm on a podcast!
I talked with the Ish Girl, Amy Kelly about Julie Buxbaum's lovely YA novel - WHAT TO SAY NEXT. Check it out here at Amy's website.

A book deal!
My book LIFESTYLES OF GODS AND MONSTERS is coming out Fall 2019 from Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Here's where you can add it on Goodreads....
I have officially signed with my dream agent, Kerry Sparks from Levine | Greenberg | Rostan.
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